Where You’ll be Headed in 2022: THE ROUTES!!

Where You’ll be Headed in 2022: THE ROUTES!!


After many months of questions and emails about when the routes will be released, the BASC team is happy to announce that the time is finally here! While we are not yet releasing the GPS maps, we are excited to give you a glimpse, and a few hints, at the fun you’ll be having at BASC this year. Get excited for lots of gravel forestry access roads and rural agricultural roads! Can you guess where all you’ll be riding this year?

So without further ado, drum roll please….






Day 1 Routes


Hint: You can’t go through water, so you have to go over.


Day 2 Routes

Hint: What is the opposite of “short” cane?


Day 3 Routes


Hint: We “promise” the long day of riding is worth it for the “promised land”


** remember, the details are subject to change **


Join the Adventure

As the event continues to evolve over the next few months, we want to hear what you’d like to see at BASC. Post-ride yoga? Football on a big screen? Email me here and we’ll see what we can do!

Interested in being a sponsor? Email Alison at awarburton@postandcourier.com.

Have Questions? Check out our FAQ page or email basc@postandcourier.com.

To stay up to date on all things BASC, sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Instagram and Facebook!

Bicycle Across South Carolina